You must walk outside -just for a minute- to enter the casino from this parking area. Greektown is a very visually appealing casino you will see some of this if you park at the garage, as it is a little jaunt from the parking area to the actual casino entrance. For those who don't know, the People Mover system connects a few of the more important sites and hotels downtown together, with Greektown being a major stop. It is also located in an area serviced by mass transit, unlike the others the People Mover system has a stop right next to the casino. Whereas MGM and MotorCity Casino stick out like sore thumbs in their areas, Greektown Casino blends in quite nicely with its surrounding environs.
Greektown Casino is part of a happening neighborhood (known as 'Greektown' itself) that has been on the rebound recently, and has encouraged suburbanites to come downtown for entertainment. The success of Greektown Casino is probably what the elected officials of Detroit envisioned when voters approved the opening of 3 downtown casinos a few years ago.